As two children from the Indian slums of Mumbai - Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Ismail - who shot to fame in the film Slumdog Millionaire are on their way to the Oscars ceremony in the US, controvery surrounding their pay grows stronger.
Living legend Amitabh Bachan criticised the film on his blog, but now claims the remarks were only meant to stir a debate. Right ... Fortunately, another Bollywood legend Shah Rukh Khan lashed out at his fellow countrymen and feels 'Slumdog' does portray India in an appealing way.
And then there is the controversy regarding the wages. Azaharuddin's parents feel their son - who plays the youngest version of Salim - was exploited and claim they know nothing about any trust fund. Azaruddin's father said he has already all the money. Reports about what these kids earned vary. In the BBC video Azhar's dad says that all the money they were given has already been used up. And they want more.
Rubina Ali, who plays the youngest version of Latika, and her family seem more content. The two kids are said to visit Disneyland after rubbing shoulders on the red carpet with the posh and pampered of Tinseltown.
Oh well, probably a story to be continued.
Do see the BBC videoclip which shows where these two gorgeous kids live.
Photo credits
Azaruddin Ismail, from
Rubina Ali, by Gautam Singh, AP